Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I'm alive

Yes, it's true! I'm alive and still painting/drawing/making journals. I'll tell you this, I'm a perfectionistic procrastinator if anything. So, while I've been away I've been thinking about this blog and reasoning if my writing skills & content were worthy of posts or if it was time to just delete the experiment and move on. Well...I'm here! I do want to continue this project and I've determined that it will be more focused on my creativity and the inspiring people I come across. Be on the look out, more posts and artwork to follow. Thanks for checking in friends.



Andrea Cherie said...

I would like to say- I hope you continue blogging! I always enjoy seeing the stuff you create, it's truly inspiring!

Andrea Cherie said...

I would like to say- I hope you continue blogging! I always enjoy seeing the stuff you create, it's truly inspiring!

Jen said...

Thank you Andrea! You're so sweet, I appreciate your encouregment!

Tabitha said...

Yay, you're back! I've been checking in every now and then since September, hoping... missed your creativity and wit :)

Jen said...

Aw, Tabitha... great to "see" you. I appreciate your comment! I'm looking forward to posting more. Hope you are well friend!