Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I'm a list maker. It's my way of staying focused because there are a million different directions I'll let my day bounce if I don't remember my goal. Marta over at m.writes always shares her very inspiring lists. A couple days ago she found a list of things she wanted to remember when she becomes a mom, fitting since she'll be one very soon. Congratulations Marta and good luck! I love her idea of making the reminders way before life gets hectic and you get in the middle of it and forget you had these great intentions to be more creative/ loving/ thoughtful/fun. Instead of my To Do list for today what is my To Do list as a mother? Wife? Adventuress? I'll be jotting down my lists and sharing sometime. I hope you will too. Let's take all that clutter, shake it out and decide what's worth keeping and doing.

The picture above is from the paper adventure project Elise is hosting. Each week she presents a thought and you create a page based on it. This page was "balance". Like you, I struggle with balancing my time, it just slips out of my hand! This little note was pasted to the page because I had {proudly} just completed everything on the list. Only took two months....

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